Public transportation
Bus: 109, 309, M45 (stop: Schloss Charlottenburg)
U-Bahn: Richard-Wagner-Platz or Sophie-Charlotte-Platz
S-Bahn: Westend
Bröhan-Museum Landesmuseum für Jugendstil, Art Deco und Funktionalismus
Schlossstraße 1a
14059 Berlin (opposite the Charlottenburg palace)
Tel.: +49/(0)30/326 906 00
Facsimile: +49/(0)30/326 906 26
Free WiFi
For security reasons, large bags cannot be taken into the exhibition rooms. Please check all large bags at our complimentary coat check (up to a size of 30x40x18 cm).
Although advance booking is recommended, tickets can also be purchased on site if contingents are still available.
With the kind support of Visit Berlin.
Admission fees
8 € / reduced 5 €
from 1 Feb 2025: 9 € / reduced 6 €
Happy Wednesday – on the first Wednesday of every month: reduced admission price of 4,- for everyone!
Advance booking is recommended, but if there are still contingents available, it is also possible to buy tickets on site. Please be at our reception desk at the time you have selected. If you have purchased a reduced or free ticket, please have the corresponding proof of reduction (student ID or similar) ready.
Free Admission (proof required): people under age 18, accompanying persons of seriously handicapped persons, “Freunde des Bröhan-Museums e.V.”, museumpassBerlin (only permanent exhibition, special exhibition: + 2 €), refugees, ICOM, Deutscher Museumsbund, Visit Berlin employees, Ulmer Verein, art history students, Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte, Press card holder, MBVD Art Pass holder
Reduced admission (proof required): ALG 1 + Bürgergeld, trainees, students, the seriously handicapped, Berliners with a “Berechtigungsnachweis or Berechtigungsnachweis-BuT”, Ehrenamtskarte Berlin-Brandenburg, guest student card from Freie Universität Berlin, IGBK, artCard
Holders of the Berlin WelcomeCard and members of the TheaterGemeinde Berlin e.V. and of Kulturvolk/Freie Volksbühne Berlin e.V. receive a 25 percent discount on the regular admission price (proof required).
Opening hours
Tuesday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
from 1 Feb 2025: Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
open all Holidays
(closed December 24th and 31st, Whit Monday)
1 January: noon to 6 p.m.
Three-day ticket to Berlin museums, special exhibitions excluded
29 €, reduced 14,50 €, available at the ticket shop at Bröhan-Museum.
With the three-day ticket museumspassBERLIN you can visit not only the permanent exhibition at Bröhan-Museum but also 70 other Berlin museums and art collections, including all Berlin state museums (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).
Groups are requested to register their visit:
Tel.: +49(0)30/326 906 00,
Groups of 15 people or more: reduced admission fee. Groups are allowed to bring their own guide, but are required to schedule the tour in advance using the contact information above.
The museumpassBERLIN (Three-day ticket to Berlin museums, special exhibitions excluded) is available at Bröhan-Museum.
MÉNAGE À TROIS: One of our art experts will guide you and one other person accompanying you exclusively through the exhibition. Price: 55,- € (Tue-Fri), 70,- € (Sat/Sun/Holiday), plus admission.
BRÖHAN LATE: After the museum closes, at 6 pm, one of our art experts will guide you and up to 19 persons accompanying you through the exhibition. Price: 200 € (Tue-Fri), 250 € (Sat/Sun/Holiday).
If you have any questions, call us at tel.: +49(0)30/326 906 00, facsimile: +49(0)30/326 906 26 or email:
Bröhan-Museum features a wheelchair friendly elevator that allows access to all exhibition areas and special parking for the handicapped in the courtyard. The museum also features a wheelchair accessible bathroom.
Buggies for small children and ROL chairs are available at the cashier.
Guide dogs are welcome.
Upon request, Bröhan-Museum also offers tours for the deaf.
Digital Guide
Our digital guide offers extensive visual material and additional information as well as exciting video and audio recordings on our current exhibitions. Visit the guide at: