Schools & Kindergartens

School class programs

Museum detectives

The Bröhan-Museum is an exciting place with much to discover. But how do all these precious and fragile objects actually get to the museum? In our transport box you will find all kinds of tools that are needed for working in the museum. Some utensils are reminiscent of the work of a detective. In a playful way children get to know an art museum.

Interactive tour through the exhibition
Duration: 60 min
1st – 4th grade, 40 €

Further information and booking at:, tel.: 030/32690625

Voyage of Animal Discovery

So many animals in one museum! You have to look closely to discover them. Can you find them all? In a joint tour of the exhibition, children get to know museum founder Karl H. Bröhan and his extensive (animal figurine) collection. Afterwards, everyone can print their own favorite or fantasy animal.

Interactive tour through the exhibition with practical part
Duration: 120 min
1st – 6th grade, 60 € (incl. guided tour and workshop material)

Further information and booking at:, tel.: 030/32690625

Spray, splash, splodge

Colorful cake plates, wildly patterned vases, dotted cups and jugs: Many everyday objects are decorated with geometric shapes, curved plants and funny animals. A particularly popular technique was spray decorating, in which colorful decorations and patterns were sprayed onto surfaces using a spray gun and stencils. We also experiment with shapes and colors, invent patterns and spray cool decorations on paper with an airbrush. There are no limits to the combination and variety of shapes. It’s going to be splashy!

Interactive tour through the exhibition with a practical part
Duration: 120 min
1 – 6th grade, 60 € (incl. guided tour and workshop material)

Further information and booking at:, phone: 030/32690625

Square, round, colorful! Printing with building blocks

Almost every child has played with building blocks at some point. But printing with them? That is possible! Join us on a journey of discovery into the exciting world of the Czech avant-garde. In their search for new ideas, artists and designers broke rules, questioned things and turned the world upside down. We will follow in their footsteps and discover art and design. After a playful tour of the exhibition “Hej rup! The Czech Avant-garde”, the children will turn their ideas into building blocks and print their own motifs – from square to round, from colorful to unique.

Interactive tour through the exhibition with a practical part
Duration: 120 min
6th – 10th grade, 60 € (incl. guided tour and workshop material)

Further information and booking at:, phone: 030/32690625

Tape That!

Crazy patterns, curved lines and funny figures. Fancy decorations and small animals are hiding on pieces of furniture, vases, dishes and wallpaper. Circles, squares, triangles, lines – basic shapes from which not only exciting pictures, but also furniture can be built. In our large exhibition there are many objects made of these shapes. We set out to discover them, find out why this design was so hip, and get inspired to create our own work of art out of colorful tape – in the spirit of Tape Art.  

Interactive tour through the exhibition with practical part
Duration: 120 min
6th – 10th grade, 60 € (incl. guided tour and workshop material)

Further information and booking at:, tel.: 030/32690625

Digital design doodles

Who hasn’t experienced it? During meetings or phone calls, we scribble patterns on paper, lost in thought. “Doodling”, the thoughtless scribbling on paper, often happens intuitively. In our workshop, we develop our own doodle patterns, which we then digitize. The designs can then be used as cell phone backgrounds, on birthday cards or fabric bags. Together we will discover Art Nouveau and take a closer look at the decoration of everyday objects. Why were scrolls and tendrils so popular back then? And what is the difference between pattern and ornament?

Interactive tour through the exhibition with a practical part
Duration: 120 min
10th-13th grade, 60 € (incl. guided tour and workshop material)

Further information and booking at:, phone: 030/32690625

Museum Visit

You are planning a museum visit, the next hiking day or an excursion is coming up and you would like to visit the Bröhan-Museum? No problem! School classes and one accompanying person receive free admission following registration.

Registration at:, tel.: 030/32690625

Programs for Kindergartens

On your mark, get set, go! We get to know the museum

The Bröhan Museum is an exciting place where there is much to discover. What can you see there? What are the tasks of a museum? How are the precious and fragile pieces transported? You will get to know the Bröhan Museum during a joint search game.

Interactive tour through the museum
Dates by arrangement
Duration: approx. 60 minutes
Age: from the age of 4
Costs: 40 € per group

Further information and booking via:
Email:, Phone: 030/32690625

Image: © KinderKulturMonat, Photo: Dora Csala – Bröhan Museum, 2020