
Secret codes. Hans Baluschek’s painting re-read!

1. May until 1. September 2024

The Berlin painter Hans Baluschek (1870-1935) developed his painting parallel to the art movements from Impressionism to Expressionism in the German Empire and New Objectivity in the Weimar Republic. He always remained a figurative painter, whereby his pictures were characterized by a strange constructedness.

In previous exhibitions, Baluschek was interpreted as a socially critical artist who truthfully depicted the life of Berlin’s working class. This overlooked the fact that his paintings are much more enigmatic and full of allusions. With references to witchcraft, spiritualism, occult thought, numerical mysticism and astrology, his paintings contain numerous allusions that point to the diverse concepts of the early 20th century of seeking a reality behind the apparent reality. Through more or less unambiguous quotations and references, he lures the viewer onto ever new trails, encouraging them to question themselves and reality. However, he rarely wants his pictures to be truly deciphered.

The exhibition “Secret codes. Hans Baluschek’s painting re-read!” attempts a new decoding of this enigmatic painter, who described himself as a realist and a fantasist in a fictitious dialog with an art critic.

Media partners: Wall GmbH, rbb24 Inforadio, Dinamix

Curators of the exhibition: Dr. Tobias Hoffmann, Fabian Reifferscheidt
Exhibition design: Kathleen Arthen

Advertising motif: Hans Baluschek, The fairground, 1914, Bröhan Museum, Photo: Martin Adam, Berlin – Design: Gerwin Schmidt, 2024


Free public guided tours (plus museum admission) every Saturday, 3 pm, registration not required

On 6. May, 6 pm, there will be a live tour on Instagram @broehan-museum

Free “Family Sundays”
Every 3rd Sunday of the month, 11 am, for children (6-12 years) and their families, 90 min. limited number of participants.
Registration required via vermittlung@broehan-museum.de, Tel: 030/32690625

The open studio in the exhibition rooms invites you to join in.
For children and adults. Without registration

“With pencil and ink” – drawing workshop for adults
In a three-hour workshop, graphic novel artist and author Lukas Jüliger gives an introduction to the world of drawing.
You will create your own works with pencil and ink. No previous knowledge required.
Sat, 25.5./22.6./20.7. or 17.8., 2-5 pm.
From 16 years, €49 per person incl. admission and materials, limited number of participants.
Registration required via vermittlung@broehan-museum.de, Tel: 030/32690625
Further information: www.broehan-museum.de/vermittlung

Program for school classes
We offer programs for school classes as part of the exhibition. Further information: www.broehan-museum.de/vermittlung

Summer vacation at the Bröhan-Museum
Berlin 8-Bit Secret Adventures. Painting and animating GIFS.
Mon-Thu, August 5-8, 10 am – 3 pm. For children aged 8-12
Booking via www.jugend-im-museum.de

Long Night of Museums
Sat, 24. August., from 18 am.